Strike the Sweet Spot: Finding the Ideal Training Frequency for BJJ

Last Updated March, 2024

An exhaused BJJ practitioner

Hey there, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts! Whether you're just stepping onto the mats for the first time or you're a grappler with some experience, there's questions that are always in the back of your mind:

"How often should I be training?"

"Am I training enough?"

"How many hours / days a week should I be dedicating to my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training?"

Well, let's roll into this topic and figure out the sweet spot that maximizes your learning while also keeping those nasty injuries at bay.

Understanding Training Frequency in BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu isn't just any martial art; it's a blend of tactical thinking, physical prowess, and mental resilience. Finding the ideal training frequency is more art than science, influenced by your current skill level, what goals you're aiming to achieve, and, of course, your physical fitness.

It's about striking a balance – train too little, and you might find your progress stalling or stagnating; train too much, and you're looking at a one-way ticket to Burnout City.

It's important to not that no two BJJ journeys are the same. People train for different reasons: fun, fitness, self-defense, improving confidence, comradery.. not everyone wants to or needs to be a fierce competitor. Having said that, we do recommend everyone to trying compete at some point in their journey.

Your reasons for training followed by your personal life, job and commitments will likely be the main factors in how often you can train. Followed closely by the amount of experience training that you already have.

Starting Out – The Beginner's Journey

For those of you just starting your BJJ journey, remember, consistency is your best friend.

Kicking off with one to two BJJ classes a week, each typically lasting about an hour to an hour and a half, is a great way to let your body get used to the unique demands of BJJ.

It's all about laying down a solid foundation in the basics and building up your skills steadily. Rushing into too many hours too soon can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

Building Up – The Intermediate Path

As you find your footing and move into the intermediate phase, your body starts getting the hang of the BJJ grind.

Now, you might want to up the ante a bit – think about aiming for three to four sessions per week, training in both Gi and No-Gi.

But remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Increasing your training frequency should be a gradual shift to avoid overtraining and the risk of injuries that come with it.

Advanced Training – Balancing Intensity and Recovery

For the advanced practitioners out there, you're likely hitting the mats multiple times a week, even twice a day if your schedule allows it.

At this level, the intensity of your training and involvement sparring sessions and open mats naturally ramps up.

However, it's crucial to remember that with great intensity comes the need for great recovery. Balancing hard training with adequate rest is key to your BJJ longevity. Listen to your body and don't skimp on those rest days – they're just as important as your training days.

Considerations for Your Training Frequency

Importance of Rest and Recovery

Speaking of rest, let's not forget the immense importance of recovery. It's as crucial as the training itself.

Getting enough rest, eating right, and staying hydrated are all vital components of your BJJ journey.

Overtraining is a real risk and can lead to injuries and burnout, so make sure you're scheduling in those much-needed rest days.

Quality Over Quantity

Quality over quantity – that's a mantra worth remembering. It's better to have a few focused, high-quality training sessions than a bunch of half-hearted ones.

Pay attention to your technique, maintain proper form, and always train with a clear purpose in mind.

Seeking Guidance

Don't hesitate to seek advice from those who've been there and done that.

Your BJJ instructors and training partners can offer invaluable personalized guidance based on their experiences and knowledge. They can help you tailor your training schedule and approach to fit your specific needs and goals, ensuring you get the most out of your time on the mats.


In wrapping up, remember that there's no universal answer to how often you should train in BJJ each week. It's all about finding the right balance that works for you, considering your experience level, personal goals, and your lifestyle.

Remember: Any Jiu-Jitsu is better than no Jiu-Jitsu!

If you can only train once a week, then do it! Your circumstances may change overtime, and as you grown into the sport you will find yourself with more opportunities to train.

Consistency, quality training, and allowing time for recovery are the pillars of success in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Keep these in mind, and you're well on your way to mastering the art of BJJ.